Course Details

Country: Greece
Course Title: Topics in Contemporary World Literature
Course Number: English 259
Course Description: The course will consider contemporary literary texts from around the world (written or translated into English) which respond to cultural, political and social issues of today. In addition to approaching contemporary literature as an index of distinct cultures but possibly also cultural interaction, it will examine the literary features of each book to define its contemporariness, both thematically but also stylistically. When applicable, the course will also explore the role of literary prizes and other marketing factors in helping a book travel beyond its place of origin and become a “contemporary classic”. As a critical reading and writing course, it will offer students the opportunity to compare cultures while familiarizing themselves with some of the world’s interesting and challenging literary texts. Exposing students to cultural and literary traditions around the world will
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ENGH 202, INTS 399
Course URL: N/A

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