Course Details
Aoyama Gakuin University
Course Title:
Japanese Politics Ⅰ
Course Number:
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce students to politics in postwar Japan from the political science perspective of comparative politics. The course proceeds in two parts. The first introduces the course, considers the legacies of Japan’s prewar regime as well as the origin of its present democratic regime, and provides a stylized model of Japanese politics under the 1955 system period (1955-1993). The second part of the course covers the key institutions and actors of postwar Japanese politics, including the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, the party system, the electoral system, voters, civil society, the media and major organized interests such as business organizations and labor unions. In each case, lectures and readings first present a picture of how these institutions and actors influenced politics and policy-making during the 1955 system period and then consider how and why these patterns have changed over the last two decades. Weekly
Approved Equivalent:
GOVT 444
Attachment Files: