Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: spanish language
Course Number: 13504
Course Description: - To understand that language and especially Spanish language is a human ability that allows people to communicate. - To know the norm of the Spanish language and the most frequent deviations from it. - To know which tools we have to get informed about the norm of the Spanish language. - To know the different varieties of the Spanish language in order to extend this knowledge within the professional environment. - To analyze varieties and norms of the Spanish language in a critical way. - To learn how to cope with information that people find in texts and in Spanish discourses in general. - To know the structure of a text: cohesion and coherence. - To analyze speech acts. - To know the basic rules of Spanish word formation. - To know the lexical devices which are more suitable for each situation and subject.
Language: Spanish
Approved Equivalent: SPAN 201
Course URL:
Attachment Files: CertificadoConvalidacion-5.pdf

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