Course Details

Country: Tanzania, United Republic of
Course Title: Beginning Kiswahili
Course Number: SWAH 1001 TANZ
Course Description: This course offers skills to Swahili language beginners who would like to begin understanding, speaking, and writing the language. The focus of the course is on competencies which learners are expected to accomplish in the target language, for example, greetings and responding to greetings, introducing yourself and others, shopping, complimenting, Swahili cultures, important idioms and sayings, understanding simple Swahili grammar, expressing likes and dislikes, interacting in real-life situations, etc. Students will engage in an intensive survival Swahili module each day during the first week of orientation. During the on-campus phase of the program, they will engage in daily classes to build their foundational language skills. Students will be accompanied to the field component (4-week rural stay) by the Swahili instructor to continue their structured language learning in an embedded, homestay setting. Students are encouraged to speak Swahili regularly in this setting.
Language: Swahili
Approved Equivalent: INTS 195
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