Course Details
Costa Rica
Universidad Veritas
Course Title:
Introduction to Translation
Course Number:
SPN -3070
Course Description:
This course is directed at those students that want to acquire the tools, theories
and practice in translating from English to Spanish.
General Objective
The objective of this course is for the student to understand the meaning of the text
in English and translate it to the target language with the following goal: to create an
equivalent relationship between the text origin and the translated text so that both
communicate the same message.
Specific Objectives
1. Acquire a theoretical knowledge of the translation process between English and
2. Distinguish the difference between translation and interpretation.
3. Learn the importance of investigating the subject of translation.
4. Learn how to prepare for a translation.
5. Develop grammatical skills for translation.
6. Acquire strategies and translation processes to insure a successful translation of
given text.
7. Learn to distinguish the differences between styles of text (literary, news, letters,
8. Recognize various aspects such as text origin, context, and grammatical rules of
each language, style conventions and phraseology
Approved Equivalent:
SPAN 455
Attachment Files:
SPN 3070 Introduction to translation ENG.pdf