Course Details

Country: Korea, South
Course Title: World History: Group II
Course Number: UIC1551
Course Description: This course serves as an overview of world history in the Korean context. This idea essentially entails a history of Korea according to the peninsula's cultural interactions with the rest of the world---particularly East Asia and the West. To that end, treatments of Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indian, and Yellow River civilizations (civilizations typically associated with conventional world history classes) will NOT turn up in this course. Through such a reflection, we can explore the ways through which the interplay of cultures influenced the Korean peninsula. Rather than study Korea’s cultural phenomena as belief systems divorced from each other, we will analyze these cultural expressions as products of forces like syncretism (convergence), conflict, and/or dialogue with other ideas. Of course, ideas and achievements within these cultural expressions also evolved individually.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: HIST L387
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