Course Details
American College of Thessaloniki
Course Title:
Religions of the world
Course Number:
Course Description:
In this course we will study a majority of active religious traditions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity (in conjunction with some time spent on Judaism), Islam— exploring these traditions through considering their perceived origins, their main beliefs and practices; and reading from their sacred texts and literatures. Through reading, discussion, and visual and other appreciations of artistic renditions of religious world-views, we will gain valuable understanding of traditions other than our own, as well as enhanced awareness of our own, thereby contributing to our broadened and deepened awareness of ourselves and our world. In other words, I see the benefits of this course as being both personal and universal. Globally: “We live in a fantastic century. I brush aside the incredible discoveries of science, and the razor’s edge between doom and fulfillment onto which they have pushed us, to speak of the new situation among peoples. Lands across the planet have
Approved Equivalent:
RELI 100, HNRS 130
Attachment Files: