Course Details
Course Title:
Media, Children and Parents
Course Number:
Course Description:
This course focuses on children's media use and on parents and educators who raise their children to media-literate persons. The child's media-landscape will be discussed together with theories on how the media may influence children. Next the role of parents will be discussed. Parents can use various strategies to further positive media effects such as learning, or dampen negative effects such as fear reactions or aggression. Students will be stimulated to explore and think about their own experiences and ideas on the strategies that parents use with traditional media as television and cinema movies, and with modern media such as computers, game consoles, smart phones, and tablets. Furthermore, we will look at tools that exist for parents, such as rating systems (Kijkwijzer and PEGI), technical safety applications on the computer, and several information and advice sources, such as Common Sense Media.
Approved Equivalent:
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