Course Details

Country: Japan
Course Title: International Politics
Course Number:
Course Description: This course is an introduction to international relations (IR). The field of international relations—a field of political science—emphasizes theoretical explanations for and understanding of international politics through “scientific” research, rather than simple descriptions of cases and/or journalistic impressions about current events. These theories address questions such as “What increases or decreases the risk of international conflict?”, “What conditions encourage regional integration like the EU?”, and “What types of domestic legislature and bureaucracy lead to flexible foreign policy?” through reasoning and empirical data analysis. Our focus is on reviewing the theories and insights developed by rigorous empirical studies in the contemporary IR. The term “international relations theory” had long been associated with various “isms” (i.e., broad worldviews) such as realism, liberalism, and constructivism (you probably still find that usage in Wikipedia and elsewhere). However, contemporary IR research moved away from debates between different “isms” and evolved into empirical social science. To
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: GOVT 322
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