Course Details

Country: Belgium
Institution: Ghent University
Course Title: Globalisation and Global Governance
Course Number: K001223
Course Description: - This educational component is situated in the Master’s degree program. It thoroughly examines a specific field of international politics, that is, ‘global governance’ or the political management of global problems. It builds further on courses in the Bachelor of Arts degree program that offer historical, factual and theoretical knowledge about international politics. - The objective of this component is to familiarize students with the causes of global governance issues, as well as with the institutions and regimes that formulate an answer to these problems. In the process, ample attention will be paid to the historical context, the relation between politics and economics as a general background to the issues of global governance and related policy, as well as to the ideological component
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: GOVT 444, GOVT 398
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