Course Details

Country: Morocco
Institution: Al Akhawayn University
Course Title: General Physics I
Course Number: PHY 1401
Course Description: PHY 1401 Physics I 4 SCH Prerequisite: MTH 1311 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours Provides engineering students with the necessary background in mechanics and vibrations required for the follow-up course in statics and dynamics, and in the thermodynamics needed for follow-up courses in engineering thermodynamics. The theoretical and experimental concepts covered are: physical quantities, linear motion, rotational motion, Newton’s law of motion, work, energy, impulse, momentum, systems in equilibrium, periodic motion, elasticity, fluid mechanics, temperature and expansion, quality of heat, mechanisms of heat transfer, and thermal properties of matter.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PHYS 160 + PHYS 161, PHYS 160 + PHYS 161
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