Course Details

Country: Taiwan
Course Title: Chinese Enhancing Course (II)
Course Number: PTCSL7911
Course Description: 1.本課程適合正在修習國際生華語「初級三」課程的學習者選修。本課程旨在透過各種真實生活情境,協助學習者鞏固已學的詞彙語法,並使學習者能練習將所學應用於日常生活,達到與人溝通之目的。 This course is aimed at those who are taking Elementary III of the NTU General Chinese Language Course. By providing a variety of real-life situations, this course aims to help students brush up on the four language skills, especially on listening and speaking skills, which enable the learners to effectively communicate in daily conversations. 2.本課程授課語言以中文為主。 This course will be conducted mainly in Chinese. 1.強化基本的聽說讀寫能力。 Develop the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2.能以基本華語完成生活中的交際任務。 Communicate with basic vocabulary and grammar, and deal with real-world tasks such as discussing daily routines, asking for / giving directions and renting a house, etc.
Language: Chinese
Approved Equivalent: CHIN 201, CHIN 201
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