Course Details

Country: Germany
Course Title: The Future of Banking in a Digitalized World
Course Number: INF50023
Course Description: This elective challenges the students to think about the risks and opportunities for the banking industry today and the challenges to its business model. The students shall analyse what have been the key drivers of the banking industry and in which way digitalization proposes to keep it challenged. To achieve this, the elective is structured into three parts: - The first part describes where the banking industry has come from and by which forces it has been transformed. We will examine what makes up its business model. - In the second part we will decompose the classic business of a bank into its different value chains, before exploring and discussing the impact that digitalization has and will have on these value chains. - In the third part the students will be divided into groups, each of which will represent the executive leadership team of a bank that will be chosen
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: FNAN 491
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