Course Details

Country: Japan
Institution: Hosei University
Course Title: Psychology of Morality
Course Number: A6325
Course Description: Thinking about good and evil seems to be the essential characteristic of human beings. We often discuss the rights and wrongs of another person and their acts in everyday life. Novels, comics, TV shows and movies are nearly always about ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys.’ Why are we so moral all the time? What are the psychological properties of our moral sense? Is moral sense a genetically determined innate instinct, independent of culture? Alternatively, does it depend on socialization? Why are there disagreements about what is right and wrong? Recently there has been a renaissance of scientific research about human morality. This course will provide an introductory overview of major theoretical debates and empirical findings in the area of moral psychology. They will be from a variety of disciplines including philosophy, neuroscience, economics, animal behavior, and almost every field of psychology (cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, and evolutionary psychology).
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PSYC 3---
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