Course Details
National Taiwan University
Course Title:
Chinese Society and Culture
Course Number:
Course Description:
本課程適合中級一及中級二程度的學習者,也就是至少學習完《實用視聽華語二》(國際生華語初級三),能掌握950個以上中文詞彙量。或是在臺灣中文學習總時數達到320小時(在其他國家、地區中文學習總時數達640小時)的學生。或已通過臺灣TOCFL考試第2級(基礎級)、HSK漢語水平考試第3級的學生。開學第一週有中文能力測驗,經測驗後達臺大華語課程中級一以上學生方可修習此課程。 This course is designed for students who: - have already passed the elementary 3 course at NTU last semester, or took the intermediate 1 or intermediate 2 course or above at NTU this semester. - have learned at least 950 Chinese terms. - have studied Chinese in Taiwan for 320 hours or above, or for 640 hours or above in a non-Chinese speaking area. - have passed level 2 of the TOCFL or level 3 of the HSK. 2. 本課程用幾篇介紹華人文化與社會議題之文章,讓學生做閱讀或聽力練習,進而使用文章內詞彙與句型做討論。 The teacher will give students some articles which are about Chinese culture and social issues to practice reading and listening. Students also have to use the vocabularies and structures learning from articles to discuss the issues with others. 3. 課程前學生需先閱讀教師準備的文章。課程開始時,教師播放文章音檔,讓學生聽過一次,接著提問,以確定學生了解文章內容。提問時亦融入華人文化與社會議題討論,並教導文章中重要詞彙語具型,期使學生能運用新詞與句型討論該課主題,並說明華人文化與他們國家之不同處。 Students should read the article before class. The teacher will ask students some questions to confirm that students understand the content of the article and to let students discuss
Approved Equivalent:
CHIN 475
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