Course Details

Country: Netherlands
Course Title: Future Challenges in Global Health
Course Number: AB_1042
Course Description: The world of biomedical and healthcare interventions is in constant flux – new and emerging infectious diseases, changing disease patterns, demographic changes, rising costs of health care; all of which add complexity to the already considerable challenges. At the same time, some innovative answers to these challenges have emerged, such as novel pharmaceuticals, neurotechnologies, gene therapy, e-Health and m-Health, and field test kits replacing entire laboratories. This begs the question: How can we make these answers fit the challenges, which are constantly emerging? History reveals a number of health interventions, which have shown to not be that effective, as well as numerous unintended consequences (for example how does an anti-malaria campaign lead to collapsing roofs and to cats being parachuted over Borneo?). This course explores how we can learn from these experiences, and use the evidence on effective biomedical and health care interventions to develop better health policies.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: GCH 406
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Studyguide (1).pdf

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