Course Details

Country: Korea, South
Institution: Yonsei University
Course Number: PSY4125
Course Description: Perception is central to our daily interactions with the world: we can effortlessly navigate through a city, comprehend fast movie trailers, and find a friend in a crowd through visual and auditory perception. While we take the rich perceptual experience for granted, visual perception involves a series of complicated cognitive processes beyond just opening our eyes. The goal of this course is to introduce students to the field of perception with special emphasis in vision. The course will introduce students to existing theoretical frameworks and recent research findings in the field of visual perception. We will explore questions such as: How do we see the visual world? Do we see and remember correctly what’s in the physical world? How many items can we keep track of and remember at a time? How is the visual system structured and what are the neural mechanisms underlying visual perception?
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PSYC 3---, PSYC 3---
Attachment Files: 309.pdf

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