Course Details

Country: Australia
Course Title: Accounting for Managerial decisions
Course Number: 22747
Course Description: Develops skills in identifying business processes, transforming data into useful information, and making managerial decisions. Designed for students in all areas of management, especially those whose career aims include cost management. Topics include analyzing and managing costs, developing cost systems that facilitate decision making, identifying opportunities for improving business process, creating financial and operating budgets for planning and control, and developing measures to assess performance. Mid-term and final exams may be scheduled on Saturdays for this class. The number of class sessions will be modified to compensate for mid-term examination time. Accommodations will be made for religious conflicts, Saturday classes, and certain official university activities. A third attempt requires School of Business academic advisor approval. Offered by School of Business. Limited to two attempts.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ACCT 303
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