Course Details

Country: Ecuador
Course Title: International Organization
Course Number: REL 3001E
Course Description: This course covers the role of the organization and international organizations in the global arena. It begins with the conceptual analysis of the international organization through discussion of contemporary theoretical currents that analyze the phenomenon of creating international regimes and institutions. Afterward, concrete case studies such as the United Nations, the European Union, NATO and regional organizations such as MERCOSUR, the African Union, and ASEAN are examined. In analyzing these cases, special attention will be paid to their achievements and failures. Finally, this course discusses the impact of international organizations on domestic agendas, and the role of human factors, such as bureaucracy, for the development of international standards.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: GOVT 444, GOVT 398
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Syllabus-REL-3001E.pdf

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