Course Details

Country: Hong Kong
Course Title: Love and Intimate Relationship
Course Number: GDRS 3004
Course Description: This course reviews basic concepts, theories and research findings of romantic love and intimate relationship. Various aspects of romantic love and intimate relationship will be critically reviewed. Based on research from a wide range of disciplines including gender studies, cultural studies, sociology, psychology, counselling, media studies, among various fields, together with input from literature and popular culture, the course will cover major areas such as the following: how do we understand the notions of “love” and “intimacy” in the different social and personal contexts, what are the different stages in a relationship; the influence of cultural myths and social scripts; interpersonal processes within romantic relationships (such as attraction, social cognition, communication and conflicts, etc.); how social gender role shapes romantic feelings and behaviors; notions of equality and freedom within relationships; power and violence; intimate relationship across life span, etc.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: SOCI 309
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