Course Details

Country: France
Course Title: Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Course Number: 2021_S02_PGE_M1_OPS_0606_E_L_BOD
Course Description: n order to not compromise the standards and health of future generations, substantial improvements in the efficiency of the use of natural resources and reduction of the wastes and emissions generated through their use, are required. Supply chains play a critical role in achieving those improvements. The objective of the course is to introduce the approaches that help improving the environmental and social sustainability of supply chains. Through this course, the students are expected to develop: - an understanding of some of the basic tools and techniques used to analyse the sustainability of supply chain activities; - an understanding of the key drivers of the sustainable supply chain performance; - an understanding of the relationship between supply chain decisions through the entire product/service life cycle; - the capability of determining the main trade-offs involved and their impact in the sustainable supply chain performance.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: OSCM 491
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