Course Details

Country: Australia
Course Title: Advanced Research Statistics
Course Number: 6003HLS
Course Description: Approaches to data collection and analysis depend on the research question and study design, in turn often dictated by the logistic limitations imposed on a study. The preparation of a detailed analytical plan during the design phase of a study ensures that a research question can be fully and appropriately addressed in end-stage analyses. The content of this unit builds on the basic research methods and statistical background assumed of enrolled students. There will be a strong emphasis on applying concepts through critical reading and discussion of the literature and the analysis and interpretation of real-world data sets. A unifying theme of the unit is the concept of analytical techniques to account for variations or errors in a study, and introduced error that cannot be accounted for but must be addressed in discussion of research results. Generic analytical strategies in modelling health data are presented, with practical experience focussing on
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: GCH 494
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