Course Details

Country: Netherlands
Course Title: Seminar Competition Policy
Course Number: FEB13036
Course Description: The seminar 'Competition Policy' mainly deals with theories of competition and public competition policy. Few people would dispute the importance of markets for our (material) welfare. But if these markets are important, then it also matters whether they function well. This is why we study competition theory and policy. We will consider the nature of market power by firms and the strategic interaction (competition) between them. We will look at which strategies firms may use to be better off themselves and what consequences those have for consumers. And even when such practices would be harmful per se, it remains the question whether it can and should be forbidden. During this course we will gain insight into the factors that the answers to these questions depend on and why that is the case. In this course we will discuss the four main topics of Competition policy. These are: Market power, and
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ECON 496
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