Course Details

Country: United Kingdom
Institution: University of Kent
Course Title: Inorganic Chemistry, Fibres and Microscopy
Course Number: PS534
Course Description: Inorganic Chemistry: Here, you will explore the chemistry of the d- and f-block elements, including their electronic and colour properties as well as their magnetic behaviour, both in lectures and workshops and also practically through a lab component. Fibres and Microscopy: What is a fibre and associated polymers and how are they made? Cellulose and other natural polymers. Synthetic polymers and fibres such as nylon. Overview of methods of identification and analysis. A particular emphasis will be on polarized light microscopy for comparative analysis various materials including fibres, paper and soils. Laboratory: Experiments in preparative and analytical inorganic chemistry, to include: the separation of nickel and cobalt by ion-exchange chromatography; measurement of the ligand field splitting energy in a titanium (III) complex; preparation and properties of complex ions; isomerism in coordination complexes.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: FRSC 3---
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Equivalency for FRSC 304.docx

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