Course Details
Ghent University
Course Title:
European History
Course Number:
Course Description:
This course offers a textbook based introduction to the political, economic, social and culturalhistory of Europe covering the period ranging from the French revolution to the end of theSecond World War. T.C.W. Blanning’s History of Modern Europe (Oxford University Press)published in 2001 will be taken as the point of departure in the treatment of facts and events.Relying also on extracts from other history textbooks and primary texts, the course will describekey moments in modern European history and will offer analytical insights into the underlyingcauses to the fundamental (political, social, economic and cultural) transformations Europeunderwent during the so-called “long 19th century”. Urbanisation, industrialisation,technologisation, democratisation, migration, International Law, the emergence of nation-states, imperialism and the development of mass politics were the processes that markedEuropean history most distinctively in this period. A special focus will be made on threethematic clusters: “migration”, “the European Ideas”, “war and peace”.
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