Course Details

Country: Belgium
Institution: Ghent University
Course Title: Introduction to SPC Methodology
Course Number: K001121
Course Description: Social science methodology enjoys renewed attention of social scientists and practitioners.Faced with the need to solve complex social issues and confronted with the enlargement of the scope and the extent of social enquiry asked for by policy makers and stakeholders, the defiency of traditional models and research techniques has been defined to most pressing issue to be tackled in the near future. As a result, the necessity of combined research techniques and an interdisciplinary methodological framework has been advanced by scholars and practitioners as a means to overcome the current research problems. Based on the book by Anol Bhattacherjee, students will be given a short overview of the actual state of affairs in social science research. After an introduction on what research in social sciences means,different research designs will be analyzed. Both data collection methods and analysis techniques will be shown using dedicated software. Through abundant references to specific research
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: COMM 400
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