Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: Film Analysis I
Course Number: 27819
Course Description: This course will address the following topics: Topic 1. Introduction. Why study films? Types of films. Topic 2. Mise-en-scene: Setting. Composition. Lighting. Colour. Costume and makeup. Topic 3. Framing: Frame distance. Frame movement. Focal length. Onscreen and offscreen space. Aspect ratios. Widescreen. Topic 4. Editing: Transitions between shots. Continuity editing. Intensified continuity. Alternatives to continuity editing. The long take. Crosscutting. Topic 5. Sound: Dimensions of film sound. Types of film sound. Diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Functions of film sound
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: FAVS 204
Course URL:
Attachment Files: FilmAnalysis1.pdf

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