Course Details

Country: Netherlands
Course Title: International Journalism
Course Number: CM2043
Course Description: Practices of journalism vary considerably, depending on the wider - local, national and even transnational (Al Jazeera, CNN) - contexts in which they take place. Departing from some of the main benchmarks in (Western) journalism with regard to training, routines, formats, organization, ethics and culture, this course familiarizes students with the field of journalism studies from the perspective of foreign correspondence and their journalistic practices across the globe. This entails gaining insight in the obstacles correspondents meet when working in non-democratic, non-free environments. This course combines theory, research and practice related to foreign correspondence. Students learn about the concrete work experiences from correspondents themselves, they learn to reflect on these experiences from an academic perspective and to relate their learned insights to international journalism in general. Note: The course will be cancelled if there are less than 10 students. The maximum number of participants is 50. IBCoM students take priority
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: COMM 387
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