Course Details

Country: Brazil
Institution: Insper
Course Title: Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Course Number:
Course Description: This course is set for students who are willing to apply economics and finance to real world situations. The starting point here is that we start with a trading room, where we use a trading software with real time data where students learn how to create positions of stock indexes, interest rates and currencies. The course stresses the applied field of economics and finance. In previous courses students learned about banks, bank runs, leverage and derivatives. In this course we apply these concepts using a software that emphasizes future markets and option markets as well. Among the tasks, student groups, using a computer platform, decide to buy (or sell) the asset according to the economic environment and other variables into consideration. In each decision the software records monetary gain or loss and the winner is the one with highest monetary gain.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: FNAN 491
Course URL:

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