Course Details
Goethe - University Frankfurt
Course Title:
Private and Social Insurance in Macroeconomics
Course Number:
Course Description:
This seminar covers topics on the provision of social insurance through government institutions such as public the insurance schemes pension insurance, health and long-term care insurance and unemployment insurance. Next to these direct social insurance schemes we study progressive income tax codes and education policies as indirect schemes of providing social insurance. The latter two schemes redistribute ex-post, that is, after the realization of income and other shocks, thereby providing insurance ex-ante. Point of departure of the seminar papers discussed in class is the observation that why we see a large junk of the government budget allocated to public insurance schemes. Why? The papers we will discuss seek to provide an answer to this question from a normative perspective: Why do markets not provide an efficient solution to an insurance problem? What are the sources of market failure? Can the government improve the situation and how? We will also address
Approved Equivalent:
ECON 3---
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