Course Details
Course Title:
Technology, Media and Identity (CM2090)
Course Number:
Course Description:
The integration of new forms of technology and media into everyday life have begun to alter our sense of who we are and what we are about as human beings. Our sense of self – our identity – has shifted as ubiquitous technology and predictive algorithms become part of our social experiences. This is clearly evident in forms of social media, news and entertainment, but digitalisation has also changed the way we work, the way we shop, the way we date and the way we relate to our families. This course begins to explore these themes, starting with a clearer understanding of how social interaction and relationships produce and affect identity and how technology has become a mediating factor in our identity ‘constructions’. This is an incremental change from previous notions of self that were intimately attached to place, name and status or position.
Approved Equivalent:
INTS 399
Attachment Files: