Course Details
Universidad de Zaragoza
Course Title:
Creating an Artistic Discourse
Course Number:
Course Description:
The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards the achievement of the learning objectives. It is bases on active and interdisciplinar methodologies that favour the development of critical thinking, in which many aspects emerged throughout the learning process are considered. Therefore students are expected to be a part of it: STIMULI AND ANSWERS DEPART FROM/BACK TO THEM. The success of this methodology depends on both the students' involvement and the teacher's supervision. This methodological proposal assumes the importance of the creative work management techniques for the organization and argumentation of written, spoken, practical and artistic experimentation intervention projects. It pays special attention to presentation and defence, in order to support the Undergraduate dissertation. In addition, theory session will be taught in order to better understand the concepts of the course contents, in which artists' work processes of different natures, both in its origin and in the results, will be
Approved Equivalent:
AVT 472
Attachment Files: