Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: Sculpture Workshop
Course Number: 25129
Course Description: Topic 1. Sculpture now: The body. (Body Casts and Surrogates, The Abject Body, The Absent Body, Transformed Bodies). The Everyday (Readymade, Synthetic, Junk, Provisional). Light and Sound (Light, Sound, Sculpture of the Moving Image). Nature and Ecology (Biotechnology, Taxidermy, Plant life, Ecology). Design and Handmade (Architecture, The Designed Environment, New Modernism, Design Objects, Handmade). Installation (Space Invaders, Acumulation and Suspensions, Atmosphere and Sensory, Tableaux or The Stage, Environment, Political and Social Concerns). Sitings (Public Sculpture, Monuments and Anti-Monuments, Sculpture parks and Urban Projetcs, The Institution). Topic 2. Presentation. Initial proposal (thematic lines for the individual assignment). Topic 3. The metal. Metal construction technique. Forge. Emptying. Topic 4. The wood. Wood carving. Construction Wood (the studens must make a puppet). Free work. Topic 5. The stone. Stone working techniques. Topic 6. Free final assignment.
Language: Spanish
Approved Equivalent: AVT 262
Course URL:
Attachment Files: 25129_enSculpture1.pdf

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