Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: History of the world economy
Course Number: 16621
Course Description: Knowledge/competences: - Understanding of the development of the world economy - Empirical/applicable knowledge directed at understanding the interactions between actors and agents from different nations in historical perspective. - Knowledge of economic causes, effects and policies explaining and affecting market integration as manifested in the movement of persons, commodities, capital and ideas between economies. - Understanding of the processes of productive specialization and economic convergence and divergence in history - Empirical knowledge directed at understanding the origin, evolution and present-day characteristics of the institutions that govern the world economy. Knowledge of how and why they were created and how they contribute to the working of the international economy. Skills: - Development of individual learning routines via the analysis of relevant texts in economic history and the collection and analysis of historical evidence. - Development of group-based learning routines via group-based discussion and the oral and written presentation of work by
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ECON 296
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