Course Details

Country: Netherlands
Course Title: Management and Leadership in Media Organisations
Course Number: CM2078
Course Description: Content The current challenges in media organizations and the media industry, such as the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, more generally a growing mediatization of organizations and society, rising competition, and an increasing complexity of organizational issues make managing and leading processes and practices of strategy and change highly relevant. Therefore, the course provides an overview of key theories and topics around strategy, management and leadership and works towards their reflective adaptation and implementation in media organizations and other mediated contexts. Students will comprehend and evaluate classical and modern approaches from managing change and strategy to competitive forces, industry analysis, resources and strategy processes and practices. On this basis, we will discuss the possibilities of managing and leading individuals, teams and organizations through communication in strategic manner. Through diverse activities, students will apply these theories and approaches sensibly and creatively for learning how to develop successful actions in/for practice. Leerdoelen Students will
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: FAVS ----
Course URL:

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