Course Details

Country: Australia
Course Title: Design and Integration of Renewable Energy Systems
Course Number: EEET 4072
Course Description: Overview of power system structure and operation, and challenges introduced by high penetrations of intermittent renewable energy sources. Various energy storage systems and their characteristics including electric vehicles. Solar resources, modelling, design and evaluation of standalone, grid-connected and large-scale PV systems. *Wind power fundamentals, turbine speed control and the integration and modelling of induction generators to the power grid. Wind generator types and overview of power converter topologies, control systems. Technical regulations, such as voltage and frequency control, low voltage ride-through capability and dynamic response of wind turbines. Overview of and design of elements within a microgrid and hybrid power systems. Energy economy and levelised cost of energy. Wind energy resources and forecasting. Overview of grid codes with high penetration of renewable sources. Case studies.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: Pending For Approval
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