Course Details

Country: Japan
Institution: Hosei University
Course Title: Introduction to Philosophy
Course Number: A6108
Course Description: You are reading a syllabus for Introduction to Philosophy right now, or at least you believe so. But how do you justify such a belief when you think of the possibility that you are in fact sleeping and just having a dream about reading these sentences? This might sound like a stupid question, but it actually leads us to ask more important questions about the world and ourselves that we cannot reject as nonsense. Philosophy tells you how to tackle those fundamental questions in comprehensive and systematic ways. This particular course aims at being an introduction to philosophy and helping you become familiar with major branches in philosophy: you will learn how to work on such questions as "What exists in the world?" "How do we know about them?" and "How should we live?" by acquiring philosophical language and ways of thinking.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PHIL 100
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