Course Details
University of South Australia
Course Title:
Exercise Prescription
Course Number:
HLTH 3011
Course Description:
Course aim To further develop students’ knowledge and skills in prescribing and programming exercise for the broader community for future professionalpractice, including apparently healthy individuals of all ages. Course content Knowledge and application of widely used pre-exercise screening tools and procedures to help to determine risk status; Assess andanalyse health-related fitness tests, including maximal and/or submaximal tests of aerobic fitness, and tests of muscular (strength, enduranceand flexibility) fitness; Evaluate validity and reliability of commonly used fitness tests, as well as the criteria used to terminate such tests;Describe intensity, duration, frequency, and type of exercise for health-related benefits in apparently healthy and low-risk individuals; Discussrelationships between exercise heart rate, work rate and rating of perceived exertion; Develop evidence-based exercise programs (includingimplementation, monitoring and follow-up) for apparently healthy and low-risk individuals and groups (small and large) to enhance aerobicand muscular fitness; Describe and explain different components of, and appropriate exercises to be
Approved Equivalent:
Pending For Approval
Course URL:
Attachment Files:
HLTH 3011 - Courses - Exercise Prescription - Study at UniSA.pdf