Course Details
United Kingdom
University of York
Course Title:
From the Global Shadows: Africa & The World since the 1950s
Course Number:
Course Description:
Until recently, it had long been assumed that Africans played relatively passive roles in international affairs and were characterised by weakness within modern global history. The apparent extension of Cold War conflicts into African lands or the various missions of the United Nations throughout the continent in the 1990s seemingly exemplified the impotence of Africans to deal with their own problems and define their own futures in the latter twentieth century. This course, with its focus on sub-Saharan Africa, interrogates these assumptions through analyses of the ways in which Africans fitted into late-colonial and post-colonial world networks, international relations and global institutions. Crucially, it encourages students to assess how Africans shaped such engagements. In the broad, thematic seminars of the spring, participants explore revisionist scholarship on African decolonisation, global Cold War and Africa’s place within emergent ‘third worldist’ collectives.
Approved Equivalent:
HIST 387
Course URL:
Attachment Files: