Course Details
United Kingdom
University of York
Course Title:
Special Topic: Human Evolution
Course Number:
Course Description:
Module summary Our distant evolutionary origins has always been a source of fascination and in this module we focus on the skeletal and archaeological evidence for what happened in the distant past to lead to our own species today. We will find that the story of our evolutionary origins is more complex, more chaotic and more surprising than we might imagine – there has never been any goal or intention, and multiple species of hominin and many different branches have been the norm for most of our evolutionary past. Starting from our last common ancestor with other apes living around 7-8 million years ago we will look at the evolutionary processes which created and changed our bodies and minds over millions of years and how we as humans and human culture emerged. We draw on a range of evidence from the archaeological to anatomical to comparative primatology and on a
Approved Equivalent:
ANTH 355
Course URL:
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