Course Details

Country: Malta
Institution: University of Malta
Course Title: Integrating Science and Archaeology
Course Number: ARC1010
Course Description: The application of science-based techniques on archaeological sites and objects has become an essential component when interpreting archaeological data. Archaeologists, however, are not always well-versed in undertaking the scientific analyses themselves, but it is up to them to be equipped with the basic knowledge to know which techniques are necessary and what they expect to gain out of them. This study-unit is designed to showcase a series of up-to-date archaeological case-studies, which heavily depend on particular scientific applications. During each lecture, students will explore and discuss how science enhances various sets of archaeological evidence, understanding the limitations of applying such techniques to various types of archaeological materials, and most importantly, how the results are interpreted by archaeologists.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ANTH 373
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