Course Details

Country: United Kingdom
Institution: University of Surrey
Course Title: Modernism
Course Number: ELI2032
Course Description: ‘On or about 1910’, Virginia Woolf observed, ‘human character changed … and when human relations change there is at the same time a change in religion, conduct, politics and literature.’ Recognising somewhat belatedly the revolutionary fervour that had been brewing in European politics and art in the final decades of the nineteenth century, artists across the British Empire and the United States of America would embark on their own extraordinary phase of experiment, ushering in an era that would witness innovation right across the spectrum of cultural endeavour. Examining a range of exciting and innovative works from around the world students are introduced to the key ideas underpinning the theories and practices of modernist writers, working in the period between 1900 and 1945. In addition to gaining in-depth knowledge relating to each text on the module, students can expect to acquire a sense of how the movements in modernist literature
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ENGH ----
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