Course Details

Country: Israel
Course Title: International Political Economy
Course Number: 4300
Course Description: issues in the field of international political economy (IPE) in order to develop a deeper understanding of current world affairs. The course begins by defining international political economy and introducing the main theoretical perspectives (mercantilism, liberalism, structuralism, and recent theoretical developments). The course then explores several of the leading issues in IPE, including: international trade, international financial flows and monetary relations, foreign direct investment (FDI) and the role of transnational corporations and the environment. Next, the course explores the political economy of several countries and regions, including Great Britain, the United States, Russia, China and India. Throughout the course, the emphasis will be on applying the theoretical concepts to current IPE issues, including writing (with the intention of publishing) an op-ed, participating in in-class debates and exercises as well as hearing guest speakers on relevant current issues.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: GOVT 343
Course URL:
Attachment Files: 21243000102021243001.pdf

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