Course Details
Mahidol University International College
Course Title:
Comparative Regionalism
Course Number:
ICIR 332
Course Description:
This course will discuss, interpret, analyze and evaluate regionalism from different theoretical viewpoints. Historical underpinnings and development of regional organizations will be examined. Organizational structures and institutional configurations will be analyzed to identify why different regional organizations operate in differentiated ways. Students will understand the basis, differences, historical underpinnings for regions and regional organizations in the contemporary world. Students will be able to analyze and evaluate different regional organizations, structures and their purposes to member states and non-member states. Students will be able to apply different theoretical models for the study of regional organizations. Students will be able to analyze and evaluate the performance of regional, interregional and sub-regional organizations.
To discuss; interpret; analyze; evaluates regionalism theoretical viewpoints. Students will examine; understand; analyze; evaluate major regional organizations; foundations; purposes; functions; institutional designs; methods of interaction in a global perspective.
Approved Equivalent:
Pending For Approval
Attachment Files: