Course Details
Mahidol University International College
Course Title:
Security and Conflict in a Global Perspective
Course Number:
ICIR 224
Course Description:
This course analyzes a number of contemporary global security challenges in relation to violent conflict and regional conflict geographies: How and why do international conflicts appear and develop? The focus of discussions is on a number of common security challenges, from arms proliferation to environmental and resource-related risks. Different mechanisms for the prevention, management and resolution of violent conflicts are explored and discussed. After an introduction into the concept of human security and global security challenges, students will work on group projects discussing selected case studies. Conflicts that could be covered include civil wars, international wars and domestic and international terrorism. Through examining these case studies, students will acquire an understanding of explicit and implicit conceptualizations as to why conflicts happen as well as why some methods of conflict prevention and resolution are more effective than others.
Approved Equivalent:
GOVT 398, GOVT 444
Attachment Files: