Course Details

Country: Australia
Course Title: Neurosciences Across the Lifespan
Course Number: PSIO12004
Course Description: This unit will provide you with a focus on the theoretical component of neuroscience and will prepare you for the clinical application of this theory. You will study core areas of neuroscience, neuroanatomy and neurodevelopment. Topics covered will include the organisation and function of the nervous system, neuroplasticity, motor control and learning, and signs and symptoms in neurologic lesions. Normal and pathological development across the lifespan will be presented and will provide you with the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills central to the core concepts of paediatric, adult and older adult neurological physiotherapy. This unit will introduce you to the practical physiotherapy skills required to perform a neurological assessment, with a specific focus on the assessment of key neurological impairments and neurodevelopment across the lifespan.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: NEUR 461
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