Course Details

Country: Ireland
Institution: Dublin City University
Course Title: Introduction to Anthropology
Course Number: SOC1007
Course Description: Description The module aims to introduce students to basic concepts and themes in anthropology with a view of developing a critical perspective on the challenges currently faced by humans in contemporary societies. It will tackle subjects under the rubrics of culture, language, environment and subsistence, power and politics, kinship and family, religion and worldview, and globalisation. By using illustrations from ground level studies of the day-to-day experience of people in both western and non-western countries, the module will endeavour to provide students with a fresh and stimulating perspective on contemporary transformations in Ireland and beyond. 1. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key terms, ideas and concepts in anthropology, of a range of appropriately identified ethnographic materials, of specified themes in social and cultural organization, and of patterns and processes of change in society and culture. 2. recognize key anthropological concepts in unfamiliar anthropological materials, recognize and analyse the viewpoint of the anthropologist/position of the observer in anthropological materials, use ethnographic examples and anthropological concepts to formulate an argument
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ANTH 114
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