Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: Spanish history: 20th century
Course Number: 13507
Course Description: . The main objective of this course is that students acquire a body of basic knowledge, which will enable them to analyse the recent past of the history of Spain. A long-term perspective on the problems is an essential tool for the critical perception of today's Spain. 2. The acquired knowledge will qualify students to explain the complex implementation of civil, political and social rights in Spanish society, to reflect on the normality and specificities of the history of Spain in a European context and to acquire a deep and complex vision of the current problems of the Spanish and, therefore, global society. 3. The students will assimilate a complete and detailed knowledge of the historical problems that will arise during the course. They will also learn to critically analyse texts, pictures and documentaries, understanding the deeper motivations of their creators and the specific interests that drive them. 4. Finally,
Language: Spanish
Approved Equivalent: SPAN 321, HIST 388
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