Course Details
United Kingdom
University of Leicester
Course Title:
Physiology, Pharmacology and Behaviour
Course Number:
Course Description:
Interpret the hierarchical and parallel processing of visual information by the brain and be able to relate this to the process of image extraction.
- Correlate the roles of the different brain structures involved in voluntary movement and be able to reconstruct, in overview, their interactions during movement generation.
- Evaluate the role of a variety of brain mechanisms in generating feeding behaviour and pursuit of other rewards.
- Describe some of the different approaches to investigating CNS function and compare their relative advantages and disadvantages.
-Relate the role of integration within the CNS with particular reference to sensori-motor integration, higher functions such as learning, memory and attention and to higher disorders of the CNS such as schizophrenia.
Approved Equivalent:
NEUR 335
Attachment Files:
Physiology, Pharmacology and Behaviour.pdf