Course Details
United Kingdom
University of Leicester
Course Title:
Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience
Course Number:
Course Description:
On successful completion of the module, students should be able to:
- Summarise the properties of ion channels, receptors and signalling pathways involved in synaptic transmission.
- Explain the spatial and temporal sequence of events and signals that underlie the development of the nervous system.
- Explain dendritic propagation and the mechanisms underlying action potential generation.
- Explain the molecular organization of a neurone and the role of anchoring, scaffolding, receptor and signalling proteins in
pre- and post-synaptic regions.
- Identify the specialized features employed to transmit information between neurons and to understand how neuronal
excitability is regulated.
- Analyse data series and interpret neuroscience experimental results.
Approved Equivalent:
NEUR 327
Attachment Files: